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"Merry Meet! Coventina has been reading Tarot for me for several years. Her readings and her advice have always been 100% spot on. She's been generous with her time and really explains things so that I understand the causes and effects of my actions and those whose actions impact me. She has saved me from a lot of heartache and consoled me when I didn't listen to her advice. She has a gift that goes way beyond reading printed pieces of cardboard. Her interpretations are truly inspired by the Goddess. Besides being a damn good Tarot reader, she's been a good friend and kindred sister. I don't feel like I'm paying her for a service. It feels more like contributing to the universal wheel of prosperity. She has a gift that she's compelled to share so there's no way she won't be successful. Thank you Coventina! Blessed be." Arlene R. 

"I broke my ankle & Coventina came to the emergency room and placed her hands a couple of inches away and I felt cold energy coming from her hands. When I told her, she said that the energy was acting like an icepack. She was there for a couple of minutes and left when the doctors arrived. I no longer needed morphine for the pain". ~Doug N.

"Coventina was very welcoming, warm, and pleasant. I had been feeling like I was losing touch with my spirit guides, but she was able to clear the negative energy that was dampening that connection. During the reiki session, I felt that I was able to reach a deeper level of meditation. When I got home, during meditation, I once again felt the energy surges when trying to connect with my spirit guides. Thank you Coventina!"

​"Very powerful remote Reiki healing session - felt so relaxed after. Would definitely do again."

"I have been treated by Coventina multiple times throughout my life journey. As a trans-mixed-race disabled person, I highly recommend her because she’s got that magic touch and is so loving. Her connection to Source is palpable and profound. You’re in good hands with her!"

"Coventina, I just wanted to let you know publicly so your other clients may benefit that just one session with you changed my life. I didn't want to hear what you had to say in the moment but over the last couple of months since my Reiki treatment things began to unfold in my life that have caused to make some very dramatic changes. I have been crying a lot and I am one that has always had a difficult time crying. You said you saw many tears that needed to be shed and you were dead on. I am very proud of you and what you have accomplished for yourself with developing your business. You are a healer. Bless you." ~Kathleen 

"Thank you Coventina for the great job on Saturday night. It turned out better than I had imagined and you were a huge part of making it a success. You went above & beyond my expectations. Feel free to use me as a reference if you ever need someone to hear about a successful party. Thanks again" ~Tom H.

"After many years of failed fertility treatments, I gave up on ever having another child. When I shared my heartache with Coventina, she suggested a one-hour reiki treatment from her & her teacher, so I decided to give it a try. Afterward, they both told me they had a vision of twin boys, only they received their message in vary different ways: Rockie (her teacher) saw the Virgin Mary hand her a baby boy, then another baby boy. Coventina saw me talking with a group of friends telling them I was having twin boys. Coventina also saw three embryos, but only two were born. A couple months later, I got pregnant with twin boys! A few miracles happened: Twins are usually born early, via c-section, and are underweight. However, my boys were born the day after their due date, I had them naturally, and if they were one baby, it would have weighed over 15 pounds! I also delivered the stillborn, just like Coventina said. The community then named the boys the "reiki twins." I cannot thank Coventina & Rockie enough for the miracle healing in my family's life. ~Andrea H.

"Three years ago, I got in a car crash and fractured a couple of ribs. I was in pain, but almost worse than that, for me, was the emotional trauma. I know that traumatic events and accidents can rupture your energy fields and energy systems, and Reiki is one of the best things to heal that. Covie came over to my house to give me a Reiki session, which sped up my ribs' recovery, calming me down and soothing me. Reiki is one of the most soothing experiences I know. Reiki took me from fractured to un-fractured!"

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