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Manifesting with the Archangels

Coventina Waterhawk

Updated: May 14, 2023

My experience with the Archangels thus far has been remarkable. I haven't even gotten completely familiar with them with what they represent. All I know is that I asked for help and started doing the footwork and it's been non-stop opportunities for various things.

The latest focus that I've had since the beginning of the year is promoting my three published books. I can't even remember the name of the organization I called, but a lady suggested I become a guest on someone's podcast because it's free promotion. The very next day I received a call offering to be a guest on a company's podcast to promote one of my books. (I had forgotten all about leaving a comment on a social media ad weeks before) and it was scheduled the following week.

I then signed up for a 21 day challenge to get my business going and was offered to be a guest on their podcast and the recording was this past Saturday.

And while I was emailing my reiki master, they responded with an offer to be on their podcast and it's scheduled for June.

I went to a non-profit organization to donate copies of my books and was offered a position on their board of directors. I declined but inquired about becoming a peer support worker instead. I'm currently waiting for the training schedule.

And today I donated copies at the university library and a local bookstore and the bookstore decided to purchase them from me so I made some unexpected money.

Finally, today I received an email offering to have my own chapter in a book that will be published soon.

Even though I've been doing some (not much) footwork, the energy coming back to me and the non-stop offers is a little overwhelming and I've asked the Archangels to slow down a little so I have time to rest in between offers. Lol

You don't need to know the Archangels very well for them to help you. All I asked was, "Hi manifesting Angels. Please help me with promoting my books. Thank you."

What are you trying to manifest in your life? Please share.

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