During a mediumship reading, it is very important to let go of ANY expectations for who will step forward for a message and be as open-minded as you can be. If you do have a lot of expectations, you will most likely be very disappointed at the end of the reading. The loved ones might show up without a message, just to say hello and to validate that they were in your life at a certain point in time.
Also, names might not come through, only a description of what they looked like. However, my experiences thus far doing this work, is that the loved ones will always share their personalities, of how they were in the physical world so the client knows it was a certain person.
When you focus on wanting to hear from specific people and want specific answers but others show up instead, it can be frustrating and disappointing because you're so detached from the others that it takes time to think about who it is. It can be very frustrating and confusing to the medium when you change who the person is after you validate who they are.
So, if you're thinking about having a reading from a medium, try to remember to let go of all expectations and have an open mind about who may or may not step forward. Sometimes those who have passed aren't ready to step forward for whatever reason and we need to accept it and move on.
One fact that I have discovered is our loved ones are always happy and are with other loved ones. They are no longer in pain if they were suffering. My final thoughts and beliefs are not popular when I say that people who pass from losing their battle with mental illness, it is not a selfish act. It is the final act of self-love someone has for themselves. The selfishness comes from their loved ones who don't want them to pass. They have no idea how much the person is suffering and being tortured by thoughts and feelings that they finally say, "Enough is enough."